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Its Friday, my free day. No classes but I spend the day with the MLC team touring our guest Heinz Meijer. We had been at our national park (Luneta) and in Quirino Grand Stand. We take pictures, go walking around, had an ice cream for a while, seating on a bench looking for the water fountain at the park is like we’ve been on a date, hahaha.. Anyway it’s not yet the journey end.


Our team – MLC decided to go to Intramuros, One of the historical place in Manila, it’s beautiful and famous land mark that’s why I love Manila, this place is full of political guest, heroism, patriotism and a life battling story. Even its untold love story behind on its every wall is a good story indeed. The school and universities around the city shows how old is the city.







Published date

4 JULY 2014

The schools were founded-built, by the Spanish at almost 300 years existing and, it was the oldest school in Manila, the Unibersidad ng Sto. Tomas” (UST), along Españia Road; and all of the prestigious universities were here like Far Eastern University, Sta. Isabel, La Salle, University of the East, Ateneo, San Beda and many more just pick one and you will pay hundreds of peso just to be one of them , I mean to belong with those universities.







Well it’s my first time to visit at Intramuros and we’ve been at Fort Santiago it’s a 16th century military defense structure, stands witness to the valor and heroism of the Filipino through the centuries. It has an overview of various attractions in the walled city, were our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal was detained and sentenced to die through the execution of firing squad. It’s a sad story how Filipinos fought for freedom against Spaniard. We enjoy taking pictures and reading significant event presented on the wall. After visiting Fort Santiago, we had our lunch, well it’s a good side of the story my favorite scene eating my favorite Filipino dish. One of our team noticed that Filipino are “fast eater” hahaha. It’s only in the Philippines anyway. Filipinos


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