16 May 2016
"Its not how long the journey is its about how when you started the journey"
25 July 2014
Its Friday, my free day. No classes but I spend the day with the MLC team touring our guest Heinz Meijer. We had been at our national park (Luneta) and in Quirino Grand Stand.
29 June 2014
Time flies so fast every time you’re enjoying the moment and when you’re happy . You will forget that everything has its ending and another chapter of your life has to begin . You’ll just realized one day that you’re already half way to the finish line of your dreams .
16 June 2014
“Summer end, school days in”
I spend my vacation wisely. I need to scrutinized all my activity in order to cope my schedule in reviewing to our Battery (Exam well in God’s help I can gain my fruit of labor),
16 June 2014
It is my first week in school. It’s good to be back. I missed my school mates so much. We just met two of our professors. They promised to do their best to teach us and do their duties as a professor.
June 12 2014
Adjusting to a new environment had been so tough for me when I entered college. New classmates, new school, new professors, and new subjects to study . Everything was new that time and obviously I was not accustomed to all of those. Honestly, it affected my performance in my first year in college, but as time went by, I learned to go with the flow of things around me.
26 May 2014
Second semester has ended, while by this time I am getting my minor subjects completed in summer class. The second semester is a struggle for BS Accountancy students because of many obstacles we had endured. The fortitude we had gained and applied made us champion of its first year.