Name Reynante M. Nisperos
DOB 2 August 1997
Course BS Accountancy
Year Graduated December 2017
University Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP)
Sponsored by Neil Byrne
The Choice of Course: Accountancy
They say Bachelor of Science in Accountancy is a hard-to-pass course. Many paperwork, analysis, balance, adjusting, Math and numbers are some of the terms used by students to scare Accountancy students. The professors are demanding and you have to get their satisfaction in order to give you a higher grade. Burdens of projects from major and minor subjects, assignments, activities and mostly, deadline are the common problem of students in this course. Moreover, the retention in the course is to have a grade in major subjects (Accounting, English, Math, Law and Computer) above 2.0. You failed to pass it; you have to take the Student Qualification Examination. If you pass, you’ll continue to the next year; otherwise, shift to another course.
But I don’t take it as what they have said. I take it as first-step training for the future. I take the course not only because of the higher demand of the country and high salary but also I want to challenge myself for difficult tasks and to help me get rid my procrastination and indolence. Some professors in the field say it is hard to pass the whole four-year course even the board examination. But deep inside, I am excited and motivated. If they can, I can do it; I can also surpass them. If they give us a difficult task, I will do it and give my best shot. Working on a difficult project is like doing the actual job; it is not hard to do because I already made it. And lastly, I treat Accountancy as an easy subject. Treating the course with easiness can make, do and pass it easily. If you find it hard, you can’t do it.
The Future
Just like other kids who are financially challenged, I also aim to have a better life. I want to finish this course, pass the board examination, and find a job. And my motivation to do it is the Almighty God which promises me the Jeremiah 29:11 verse, “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” My mother who works for us just to continue my education, my brothers who sacrifice their studies just for me, and my late father who gives me words of wisdom and manners of a disciplined citizen. And I promised to them I will do it and finish it.