Latest Articles
Last Updated 1 October 2021
In today's educational setup, online learning is widely used in colleges and universities. It provides us myriads of advantages as well as disadvantages. In this set up we don't need to travel or commute from home to school and vice versa. We can stay and learn at the comfort of our own space. We can re-watch lectures if we missed to attend classes on time and finish school works wherever we are. It also saves time and money. However, now we are in the midst of pandemic and traditional schooling is strictly prohibited, this the sad part because we missed how enjoying attending face to face class is. The spirit of studying we missed like when we are in classrooms and library together with our classmates and friends.
Moreover, in this set up students will always tend to skip class because they think that they have their time later for it like re-watching lectures. Also when we are in our own space every distraction might occur in an instant, also we tend to fall asleep while studying because we're just like laying in bed watching and listening in online classes. Yes, online classes are really convenient but it is burdensome to those who cant afford it or to those who have no access on Internet, less fortunate family who don't have technologies, especially for those students that don't have a healthy and peaceful learning environment at home.
For me, it's really cost effective and helpful because everything can be done at a pace where the student is comfortable with. It allows me to be more flexible in my time and study at my own convenience by watching lectures any time. However, it is also kind of exhausting and stressing because different kind of troubles might occur especially when there is an interruption in power supply, weak Internet connection and of course unaffordability to buy necessary device. Also I don't have my own space in our home, it is hard to set apart the stress I am having from school to problems we are dealing at home. Unlike before when there is face to face classes you can set aside for the mean your personal dealings and enjoy attending school. One more thing, is that we really miss out the enjoyment of studying together with our friends in one room, in a classroom.
However, it is really satisfying and something we can be proud of because even we are in the midst of pandemic these days and enduring this kind of educational set up, we still conquer it and we made this far. We are now in the last year of our college days. We are slowly entering the real corporate world. Of course we couldn't make it without the unending support of the people who continuously believing in us, family, friends and relatives, thank you. Special thanks to our sponsors who was there all throughout our journey supporting us everything we needed, Ms. Maria and Sir Richard and also Ate Rasha for guiding us. We also want to apologize for our shortcomings as your scholars. And above all to our God Almighty, all glory belongs to Him.
Thank you.
Joy Aloro
October 1, 2021
Other Activites
Kids' Independence Party 2012
Essay Contest 2012
Toro Hills Elementary School
Joana Pones
October 1, 2021

There are a lot of things that happened during our 3rd year in college but mostly it focuses on preparing us to become more equipped individuals. As we all know online classes really change the educational system which takes me some time to adjust to like the classes are virtually and the works are done through smartphones and the use internet. As an inspiring entrepreneur, the things that I've learned in the past school year will surely be used to further develop myself to face challenges in the future.
The things that I've learned technically speaking are how to manage a manufacturing business, culinary, wholesale and retail, and of course business plan preparation. First, how to manage a manufacturing business, just like any other type of business, manufacturing goods follow a step by step process, in other words, there is a system that needs to be followed this is the most memorable thing that I've learned in manufacturing, organized equates to productivity. In culinary our prof teaches us about the culinary industry and why it is such a good investment, culinary is not all about the food there is a business side where great minds dwell and make the food industry prosper, as a business person this subject makes me want to invest in a food business in the future and implement new ideas and innovations. In wholesale and retail it teaches me more about communication, communication is one of the keys in becoming a successful business owner, wholesale and retail is not all about trading, it is about building a good relationship with your consumers and business partners. And of course the business plan preparation, this is the first step in establishing our own business, this subject is hard because there is no room for error, as an entrepreneurial student, this is one of the things that we should be able to do flawlessly if we tend to create our own business which is why I put in a lot of work in this subject and to be honest i have learned a lot from my mistakes here. These things summarize the things that i have learned in the last school year.
I want to thank Ms. Maria and Sir Richard for the continuous support for my studies, without them I will not be able to learn all of these wonderful things, being an entrepreneurial student surely helps me a lot and makes me understand this world that we lived in, I will surely use all of the knowledge I have gained in the past years to continue to work for the improvement of myself and help my family and other people in the near future, again thank you maam and sir for the oppurtunity and support, i'm forever grateful.

Stickyron is one of the product that we made and sold to customers. It is a combination of glutinous flour which is called malagkit and cocoa. Lumpia wrapper is filled with the malagkit mixture and deep fried to perfection. Then add condensed milk and sugar (optional).

Each student in our class needs to create or innovate food individually. So I made these cakes with all by myself and my own process. I'm happy that I learned how to bake a cake, have my own process and list of ingredients. I also sold some of these cakes through marketplace in Facebook. Hoping that I can continue doing this, improve with this skills and I'm looking forward to this kind of business.
Glenelle Bonsay
October 1, 2021
This pandemic brought us so much despair and agony in life. Many people lost their loved ones, many people lost their jobs, and many establishments are forced to shut down. Even though the world is falling because of the pandemic, we still have many reasons to fight and not give up. Currently, I am a 4th-year college student at the University of Caloocan City taking up a Bachelor of Science Major in Information Technology and I am happy to tell you that finally I’m graduating soon, at this moment I am taking my internship on the said school. And we are managing the enrollment process and all the school stuff. My schedule is every Tuesday and Thursday, and I commute every time I go to school, we all know that it is still pandemic so that I’m taking much more precautions when I go outside. A few months from now, I am seeing myself in the big crowd, wearing my black toga, but I know it will not happen because of the quarantine guidelines, meaning our Graduation rights will be done virtually, still I am very much honored and grateful because I surpass all those struggling years, and all those sleepless nights will be rewarded, soon.
After these 2 semesters I can finally say that I achieve something great in life though I am too far behind victory, this is just my stepping stone, a guide for my future success. Because I strongly believed that “A million journey begins with a single step” this is my step for something greater and bigger and I cannot achieve these with the help of Manila Life Chances Foundation, to Ma’am Maria, Sir Richard, and to all the sponsors, a big virtual hug in behalf of the scholars and beneficiaries, we are very thankful because you are the first ones who believed in our ability, you are the reason why we are here, finally achieving our greatest dream in life, thank you so much Ma’am Maria and Sir Richard for all the support, we owe you so much, we will repay it by making the MLCP Foundation proud. God bless us you Ma’am Maria and Sir Richard, we are praying for your safety and good health. And good luck to the future endeavors of the MLCP Foundation.
Latest Articles
Last Updated 28 April 2020
We are now in the midst of pandemic, most of us are suffering in this crisis. And till there are people who are extending their blessings to others. We, the scholars of MLCP would like to thank our sponsors for giving us help through relief goods. Your act of kindness and service shows how big of a heart you have for others. We thank you for providing us the kind of help that we needed especially this time. Your financial support has provided much needed stress relief for our parents. We hope that you are in a good condition and have a good health. May God bless you and your family. Thank you once again, Ms. Maria and Sir Richard. Keep safe.
Our beloved sponsor's generosity during the pandemic
April 28, 2020

Thank you and God Bless to our sponsors

Thank you and God Bless to our sponsors
Latest Articles
Last Updated 30 December 2019
There is no subsitute for hard work
Joy Aloro
December 30, 2019

It takes a lot of prayers, hardworks and perseverance to have the thing or place that you've always been dreaming of. Also, it doesn't matter which path you will take,what matter is that someway or another you'll end up in a place where you can grow as better person.
It has been a tough and gracious semestral term. We've been through a lot of things physically, mentally, emotionally as well as financially. Being an accounting student is such a blessing and i think a bit burdensome. It is not just easy as I thought before. But I always treat it as a challenge and a great opportunity at the same time. Everything I have overcome and done now are all of because the grace of the Lord who always sustains us. Also, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude and honor to you Ms. Maria and Mr. Richard, I am really grateful that until now I have you as my financial rock who always support my studies. I admit it that I/we always failed you from doing our duties as the member of MLCP, I am really sorry for that. No amount of money can compensate to all of the things you've done for us from the very beginning and also for the many chances you've given to us for us to be retained here in the scholarship. I owe you a lot, Mam/Sir. Your kindness is one of the things that always push me to pursue my dreams even sometimes it looks like impossible to go on. Now, I am a sophomore (Second year student) at the University of Caloocan City taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. This course really molds my character as a student. Yes, one of the hardest course as many people are saying. From discussions, activities to major exams. Everything is tremendous. I really find it hard to maintain a high grade, but I am doing my best just to retain in this course until I graduate. And to take the the board exam.
Just always put in your mind that everything you do, do it for the glory of the Lord. He put you to the place where you at right now. Just finish the race with Him. Everything may look hard but all of this will be worth it as we look back someday. So keep going, students.
Once again, thank you Ms. Maria and Mr. Richard for the financial support and patience. We declare abundance blessing to your family and a good health.
"Success comes to those who are willing to fight for their dreams."
Joana Pones
December 30, 2019

"Success comes to those who are willing to fight for their dreams"
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ma'am. Maria and Sir Richard for the continuous financial support that you have given me . Your generosity will allow me to pursue my dreams, and for that, I cannot thank you enough.
Now I'm studying at the University of Caloocan City as a Second Year College Student taking Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Management. However, my family financial conditions hard to provide the needs for this course. With you Ma'am Maria and Sir Richard, your generosity and support will help me focused on my academics without having to worry about the finances. In our first semester I'm performing well and focused on my obligations as a student and doing well my duties and responsibilities as a Business Manager of Young Entrepreneurs Society our Organization.
As taking this course is so hard and challenging because it challenge my ability to innovate something or create something new and make it popular. However, it helps me to be more knowledgeable and thinking deeper than anything. It's hard to get a high grades but I'm taking the risks just to make it possible.I want to continue this course to pursue my dreams which is to help my family and to have a business with the mission to help people especially those children who wants to study but lack of financial support.
Thank you once again for your generosity. I promise I will work hard to prove myself worthy of this opportunity you've given me. I hope that one day I will be able to help struggling students to reach their goals in higher education by assisting them in the same way you are helping me. Thank you so much Ma'am Maria and Sir Richard Godbless us!
My Life as a student
Glenelle Bonsay
December 30, 2019

The most important factor that affects the student life is the value of time. Being a student, we should do everything on time as it never waits for anyone. There are different stages in our life. One of these stages is student days. Student life is considered as the most important period in our life. Our future dreams, desires and hopes depend upon it. Student life is a period of preparations. It is a period of education. At this time, our mind is like clay.
Clay is a soft thing and the potter designs various things out of the clay. Like clay, our mind can also be shaped in different ways. Once the pots are made their shape cannot be changed. Likewise, once our character is formed in one way, it cannot be changed easily. If we make right use and receive good education during our student life, we shall be successful in future. On the other hand, if we aren’t serious at this time, we can’t achieve our goals.
Students, therefore, should be very careful. We must think seriously before every step we take. We must learn new things as much as possible at this period.
Students are the future leaders of a nation. The prosperity of a nation depends on its students. We have a responsibility to acquire proper education, maintain good character and live a respectable social life. Obedience, diligence, regularity and forbearance are the important parts of student life. We must learn perseverance; it is the root of all success. If we are idle and cannot move on according to time, we can achieve nothing.
I am honored to be one of the recipients of the Manila Life Chances Foundation.
Thanks to your generous support Ms. Maria and Sir Richard, I am the first in my family to attend college.
Growing up in a less privileged community has not only offered financial and academic challenges, but has also helped me realize the value of a college education.
Latest News
Last Updated 10 April 2018
Proudly presenting the class of 2019 graduates the Manila Life Chances Project has produced!
This year, we have generated a total of 6 graduates: two (2) from Senior High School and (4) from College which are listed below:
College Graduates

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
University of Caloocan City

Bachelor Science in Education
Major in Technology and Livelihood Education
University of Caloocan City

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
University of Caloocan City

Bachelor Science in
Public Administration
University of Caloocan City
Senior High School Graduates

Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Caloocan National Science and Technology High School

Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc.

From Oscar best director nominated Joey, with leading female and male roles from Salvi and Arnold, the marvellous video link below visits three of our recent graduate students in their respective places of work. Well done guys, we are soooo proud of you all.
From January 2018 - four days a week feeding program for our 20 close neighbours at the Tuloy Bahay Bata Foundation in Angeles City. Building you up for all the football lads but just go easy when Sir Richard makes his guest appearances!
Tuloy Foundation, Inc.
Bahay Bata for Street Kids in Angeles City

2018 Graduate Students
Huge congratulations to our class of 2018 graduating students, which to date include:Joshua Paulo Nimera (sponsor Neil Byrne) who has now graduated as a BSc in industrial engineering from the University of Adamson, and we wish Joshua well also in his new career as a change analyst with Globe Telecom.
Reynante Nisperos (sponsor Neil Byrne) who has graduated as a BSc in accountantcy from PUP and will shortly be taking his CPA professional exams, with which we wish him very good luck.
Glenelle Bonsay (sponsor Richard Dearing) who has graduated from Immaculada Concepcion College and is now hoping to undertake a Computer engineering course at TUP.
Joshua (sponsor Richard Dearing) and Ram Ram (sponsor Nicola Butt) who have both just graduated from Kinder 1, and we hope will now have fun-packed and rewarding elementary school experiences ahead.
Joshua E. Mejorado
Silanganan Elementary School
RamRam Caibigan
Kinder One
Caloocan North Elementary School
Links to Manila Shanty Life
Bagong Silang
Smokey Mountain
Self Help in Caloocan City
Street Kids
The Other Manila
Big Family
Skimpy Family

Glenelle Bonsay
Senior High School
Immaculada Concepcion College

Jenny Gigantes
Bachelor of Science in Education
University of Caloocan City

Joshua Paulo Jimera
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Adamson University
Work Placement: Change Analyst, Product Management, Globe Telecom

Reynante Nisperos
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Philippine Polytechnic University

New Years Eve Noche Buena Food Sharing
Sitio Pidpid, Angeles City
31 December 2017
Distribution of rice plus chicken food packs to 60 families in the Sitio Pidpid indigenous community, with special thanks to teachers Lani and Tess from Cuayan Elementary School for their invaluable support in arranging this wonderfully rewarding event with our very special friends on the mountain.
Kinder One Christmas Party
Cuayan Elementary School, Angeles City
21 December 2018
55 Students from our wonderful 'school down the road' in Angeles - party time and gift packs enjoyed by all.

Toy Drop 2017
Zoto Learning Center
Bagong Silang Caloocan City
MLCP Biggest Toy Drop event ever, - 60 kids from the Manila Shanties of Bagong Silang, the most populous barangay in the Philippines, total and utter chaos but brilliant fun....
Sitio Pidpid Porac
Indigenous Community
20 October 2017
Up the foothills of Mount Pinatubo to meet the Sitio Pidpid Porac Indigenous community - distribution of clothes and grocery packages to the families of eight kids sponsored by MLCP at Cuayan Elementary School

Manila Life Chances Annual Party
15 October 2017
Annual get together for 30 of our Manila based sposored school pupils and college students, As always the 'clothes market' was a big hit of the day with this year, lots of bags and cuddly toys too as a special treat.

Tuloy Foundation, Inc
Bahay Bata For Street Kids, Angeles City
Football Team , 2 August 2017
Donation of some red shirts, blue set to follow...

Feeding Program
Cuayan Elementary School
28 July 2017
Twice weekly feeding program for 100 kids...

Indigenous Kinder One Student
20 July 2017
Eight so wonderful kids before and after donations of school uniforms and shoes

Tuloy Foundation, Inc
Bahay Bata Centre for Street Kids Angeles City
Football Team, 18 July 2017
Donation of 20 pairs of trainers followed by a footballing masterclass (hahaha) from the greatest player Hull City never had. Pictures don't include the ultra-sound tests on Richard's crocked leg a week later...

Cuayan Elementary School Toy Drop
18 July 2017
A big distribution of toys and clothes donated by EY Ireland. 50 kids from kindergarten to grade 3 - lots of fun and the usual Jollibee chicken and spaghetti.

Describe your image here

Describe your image here

Tuloy Foundation, Inc.
Bahay Bata Centre for Street Kids Angeles City
13 July 2017
Toy Drop event and Jollibee lunch lavisly rewarded by an amazing song and dance routine from an amazingly talented and well-ordered group of former street children, all boys aged between nine to 17. With special thanks to guest appearances and very generous donations from Dallie and Julian.

With the help of Manila Life Chances Project Student Committee, we have succesfully distributed our school supplies to all our students for this school year.

School Opening Preparation
2G Champion Graduates 2017
Another year of sucess to our 2G Champion Students

Jayson Roberto
Bachelor in Secondary Major in Science
University of Caloocan City

Ryan Pones Bocacao
Bachelor in Education Major in Early Childhood Education
University of Caloocan City
Work Placement: Pax Christ Learning Center

Rhea Lou Caibigan
Bachelor in Secondary Major in Science
University of Caloocan City

Justice Fernandez
Bachelor in Psychology
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Jubel Santillan
Bachelor in Accountancy
University of Caloocan City
Graduation Gathering 2018
Small celebration for our 2G's Champion who graduated this year with their family.
March/April 2017
Another academic year draws to a close
Good luck to all our students and pupils currently sitting the final exams of academic year 2016/17, and especially those now within sight of the finishing line of their respective degree
courses - Justice, Ryan, Jason, Rea Lou and Jubel.
But as one year ends, a new one is soon to begin, and as one group of successful scholars moves on to bigger things another moves in to the Manila Life Chances family. And already we have pleasure in welcoming Joshua Jimera to the fold, with many thanks to Neil's very generous sponsorship of his final year's Industrial Engineering studies at the prestigious Adamson University - good luck Joshua, we look forward to meeting you soon and go for it!

Congatulations to Glenelle Bonsay for being Top 2 in his class
Grade 11 Information and Communication Technology and
Champion in Math and Sciene Quiz Bee

March 2017
Dublin Toy Drop collection
Seven boxes of toys and clothes donated by colleagues and friends from EY Dublin arrive in Manila, with many thanks to Helen's valiant efforts in organising the collection and dispatch at the eleventh hour on the eve of Christmas. Watch this space for lots of distribution events over the coming weeks and months.

Bagong Silang SPED Unit Toy Drop
8 August 2016

A re-union with all our friends from Bagong Silang Elementary School SPED unit - toys and snacks for 50 very special kids plus a much appreciated Play Station Portable, along with several games and educational toys, for use in their activities room...
Manila Life Chances Project, Annual Party
7 August 2016

The annual party for MLCP's 40 sponsored pupils, students and recent alumni. Lots of food, drink, games, catching-up and as always, the 'clothes market' was an absolute hit - this year all items gratefully received by the kids and having been donated entirely by EY Dublin...
Tahanang Mapagpala Orphanage Caloocan City
5 August 2016
45 boys, girls and babies from the Tahanang Mapagpala Orphanage, Caloocan City - a chance to distribute many of the donated infant and children's clothes, along with a programme of games, food, baby milk and toiletry packs for a wonderful and enthusiastic group of kids.......

Holy Angel Day Care Center
22 July 2016
30 pre-school kids from the Congress Holy Angel Day Care Center, Caloocan City - the event kicked off with an amazing healthy nutrition show from the kids followed by the Toy Drop distribution and MLCP's Donation of an ariconditioning unit for the classroom.....

Mary Angel Child Development Center
21 July 2016
40 pre-school kids from Mary Angel Child Development center in Caloocan City - Toy Drop, Jollibee and a virtual Purple Heart to the teacher and her support staff for selfless daily work in the world's smallest and hottest classroom...

Gabriela Silang Elementary School
12 July 2016
50 Grade One kids from Gabriela Silang Elementary School - an annual reunion with the schoolfaculty for the MLCP team, having also made a Toy Drop distribution here in July 2015. More great gifts and another Jollibee lunch....
Toro Hills Elementary School
11 July 216

40 Grade Four kids from Toro Hills Elementary School, all of whom had recently been made homeless by a local shanty fire. Our emphasis here was on distribution of clothes and shoes, plus some toys, with a lunch of Jollibee spagetti to follow...

Our First batch of 2G Champion Teaching Graduates 2016. Proudly announce that they manage to get a job placement in some respective schools in Caloocan City while they are preparing for their Licensure Examination Test on September 2016 to be a qualified teacher in the future.
In behalf of our Graduate Students SY 2016 we would like to Thank You all our sponsor for helping us to fullfill our dreams. May you continue to inspire individuals out there to continuing support and help those less fortunate youth to give them a better future.
2G Champion Graduates 2016
Salvacion Millama
Bachelor in Secondary Major in Science
Work Place : Divine Grace School
Joey Gaton
Bachelor in Secondary Major in Science
Work Place : Divine Grace School

Jun Espallardo
Bachelor in Elementary Education
Work Place : Brea James Academy
Graduating Student Batch SY2016

Arnold Obrence
Bachelor in Secondary Major in Science
Work Place : English and Filifpino Tutorial
Japanese Nationality
All at MLCP are looking forward to imminent graduation events for many of our sponsored scholars, including four (Jhun, Salvi, Joey and Arnold) from their respective college courses, and all of whom we're proud to support with the required funding for their individual big days out - subject to lots of cap and gown photos being posted here of course!
Toy Drop Initiative - Dublin Edition

With many many thanks to Helen's superaltive organizational and publicity skills, and massive help from Neil and Colm also, last November's EY Dublin 'Toy Drop' drive has resulted in six huge boxes recently arriving in Manila cram packed full of toys, games, books and clothes for distribution amongst hundreds of underpriviledged kids and families. We're currently arranging appropriate distribution events for this wonderful array of gifts, with the plan being to coincide all this with Maria and Richard's intended visit to back to the Philippines between April and July - again watch this space for lots more news and pictures on this coming up!
Congratulations to Jayson Roberto one of our 2G Champions for being Top 3 in Battery Exam at University of Caloocan City SY 2014-2015.

"When you study, remember never to give up. Exams are the jungle and by studying you make your self a lion". Keep focus in your study and you'll be rewarded in the end. Keep it up and be proud of your hard work.

Manila Life Chances Student Party
26 July 2015
Caloocan City

The season kicked off with a visit to kids from the Special Educational Needs Center of Bagong Silang Elementary School. The MLCP team was treated to an amazing song and dance show, after which the kids tucked into a lunch of spaghetti from Jollibee followed by their Toy Drop gifts.
Toy Drop Gifts
Special Education Needs Center
Bagong Silang Elementary School
20 July 2015

Toy Drop Gifts
Gabriela Elementary School
24 July 2015
Grade 4 kids from Gabriela Elementary School, the alma matter of MLCP's very own student committee member and team photographer Justice Fernandez. The event started with a well choreographed dance routine, followed by the Toy Drop Distribution and more spagetti from Jollibbee.

SY 2015-2016 Buying of School Shoes
24 June 2015
SM Fairview Novaliches Quezon City
Thank you sir and mam for your continous support to MLCP beneficiaries and scholars.We had just received our new pair of school shoes and rubber shoes.Its a nice gift to us and a good thing to continue and strive more.

SY 2015-2016 School Materials Distribuiton
30 May 2015
Palmera Spring, Novaliches Caloocan City

It has been a very successful school year for all of our MLCP Scholars. Thank you very much to all sponsors who helped and supported us throughout the year, and as we take on another step toward achieving our goals.
They will ensure to continue on striving harder this coming school year to make all your efforts worth it and to make all of you proud.

School Preparation for SY 2015-2016

Thank you to Miclat Family and Student Committee of Manila Life Chances Project helping me for the preparation and arrange our annual school supplies shopping.

Visit of Shelley Schachter-Cahm to Sto. Nino Elementary School in
Bagong Silang
The MLCP team was delighted to team up with Shelley Schachter-Cahm on her recent visit to Manila. Shelley is the award winning founder and leader of the Toy Drop initiative, which bring toys, books and happiness to thousands of children in the Philippines and elsewhere. During her visit to northern Manila on 17 February 2015 we were proud to introduce Shelley to the hard working teachers and pupils of Sto. Nino Elementary School in Bagong Silang Caloocan City including its special needs unit where Shelley was given an amazing and moving English Braille reading by a number of the visually disabled pupils. And needless to say all the kids she met were delighted to meet Shelley.

Manila Life Chances Christmas Party 2014

December 2014 Christmas Gift Giving
Clay Molding Contest
Sto.Nino Elementary School, Bagong Silang
10 November 2014
During the art event we let our participants to watch Wallace and Gromit clips to give them an idea for our theme. Its really good to know that they really enjoy watching the show and able to create their own clay models in the end

This event is just a merely representation on how artistics the Filipino childrens are, with the help of our student committee to organize our Clay Molding Contest and to our generous sponsor NewClay Products finally it happens. Thank you also Mr. Erdie Lorenzana, The Principal and the faculty members for allowing your students to participate in our event.

Winning Participants and Clay Models

New Student Committee
Many thanks to Justice Fernandez (PRO & Treasurer), Salvacion Millama (President), Dayanara Tapang
(Vice President), Joey Gaton (Secretary,) our new MLCP Student Committee who will be providing much needed support to the founders in adminstering the sponsorship programme, mentor support to all our scholars, and managing various activities and events.
First off the guys have already produced a 'Manila Life Chances Agreement' setting out our reasonable expectations from each pupil and student participating in the programme. Of particular interest is the "no tatoos" rule, which has already got Maam Maria looking up laser removal clinics.
Feeding Program
Last July 2, 2014 we conducted a feeding program at Phase 4 package 4 in Bagong Silang Caloocan City. The team Manila Life Chances (MLC) organized the program in partnership with the Coast Guard Phil. Team, with special participation of our guess from Holland Heinz Meijer and also the people who made the program possible. We just started the program at around 2:00 pm and all the children were gathered at the venue. We prepared 3 games before the feeding get started. The children were so excited about the games, we had hep hep hooray, stop dance and the boat is sinking. All of them are happy and participated the games very well.

We prepared some food and drinks for them, they also received gifts from MLC. The teams MLC were very much overwhelmed about the result of the program. A child is always been a child, happiness is best pictured at their smile. It’s a little thing we made for them but the laughter of the children on that program repays all our effort on that day. Team MLC believed that “Every child is a gift” to give and extend our care to every little child is our mission. It’s good to see those little teeth smiling towards our team after the program.

Class of 2014-2015

Shopping Expeditions for the 2014-2015 Academic Year